Thursday, 30 January 2014
Whitesands Beach - St Davids Today
Today at Low tide on Whitesands Beach – lots of Putrefied forest exposed and the ‘ribs’ of a n old wooden boat (St Paullina) now exposed – what amazing condition they are in. Photos at the Rams Nose end of the beach and also in the centre near the sea at low tide
Saturday, 25 January 2014
Fishguard OuterBbreakwater
The annual Mid Pembs and Bird Group sections of the WTSWW to Fishguard outer breakwater was today. Nineteen members and guests braved the weather and were pleased to see 8+ Purple sandpipers, c6 Ringed plover, Great northern diver, Auks, Cormorants and an interesting looking Rock Pipit.. -
When the rain and wind ‘lashed’ down we were entertained by Mike YP trying to ‘fit’ into his wife’s waterproof trousers !!!! -
Thanks to John Steer for organising the trip -
Sunday, 19 January 2014
Newgale forest
Not for many years has part of the Putrefied Forest of Newgale been visible. I am told it possibly goes under the sea defences and pub as well as being visible sometimes further out on Spring Tides – hmmm We live and learn
Monday, 13 January 2014
A talk on Cetaceans
Mid Pembs Group a section of the Wildlife trust of South and West Wales
The next indoor meeting of the section is on Monday 20th January starting at 7.30pm at ‘The Patch Community Centre, Furzy Park , Haverfordwest.
A presentation ‘Encounters of the Cetacean Kind’ by Lyndon Lomax will include some History of Pembrokeshire Whale and Dolphin watching – some of my encounters from Porpoise to Blue Whale – some information on how to identify them and where we might see some of them.
Admission I believe is £1 to cover the cost of hiring the room and includes tea or coffee and biscuits.
For further details please contact John Steer on 01646 278966 or myself on 01437 721859
Monday, 6 January 2014
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